MovieChat Forums > Lexa Doig Discussion > WTB a Rommie android, used or new!

WTB a Rommie android, used or new!

If anyone have one of those Rommie androids for sale, please private message me! Also wants to buy a pleasure slave mind chip! (I don't want to go through all that pain Harper did).

This message is good for the next 50 years. Longer if someone invents life extension drugs. Do not hesitate to contact me!

Lexa is cute!


WTS you a life.

Rommie belongs to noone. Period.


Keep it. I don't want your life.

Believe it or not, androids will be here, some day.

Lexa is cute!


Very amusing :)


Oh I believe you, but it will probably be way too late for us. (300-400 years from now)

Lets nuke the site from orbit - its the only way to be sure.


I don't think it will take that long. They might well be the next VCRs. Or cell phones. The Japanese are nuts about robots. The Koreans are planning robot industry will be their next car industry.

Oh, sure. Those Rommie-kind of androids. Yeah we don't see them too soon. But maybe someone comes with that life extension drug. With affordable price. Or aliens abduct me for a near light speed trip. Gotta have SOME hope.

Lexa is cute!


I agree... Lexa is cute and she kicks ass..

the final season of Andromeda.. it did drag but brought it all together in the end.

Put me in deep freeze and I'll take 2 when the technology exists to wake me up.


You are hopeless. I already have the "Rommie"-Prototype on pre-order for the planned release in the second quartal of 2928. And the official release of the mass production model will take even longer.

You have no chance.

I think humanity should be wiped out and then we can give evolution a second chance.


2928? So what do you think takes 900 years? No, I'm thinking you underestimate technological development. Fifty years from now we (or you) shall already have pretty smart ones. Think computers back 50 years ago, think biotechnology 50 years ago. No, you don't need to wait for 900 years.

Besides, if those Japanese robot wizard guys fail me, I'm hoping we make a first contact with an interstellar civilization. You know, we soon have the ability to see Earth-like worlds. You CAN NOT HIDE in the universe. If there are other civilizations there, they probably found millions of years ago Earth is a life sustaining planet. I'm thinking we are being watched. They probably are here already, and just waiting to make the contact.

And if all that fails, I'm gonna jump into a freezer. So, as you see, no I'm not hopeless. I'm a hopeful fool.

Lexa is cute!
