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I think her figure is beautiful. She has a narrow waist and then these beautiful curves, and her breasts are quite large by the way. I think she is gorgeous. I wish I had her body. Her "imperfections" that aren't wrong or ugly in anyway, are what make her simply stunning.

It's like being inside a dream or something.. There's truth, but no logic.


No, almsot every stars looks "womanly" I would go to say the only ones who don't would be Ellen Page and Emma Watson and Anne Hathaway I guess since her boobs keep disappearing. Emily is a pear shape like 90% of the other stars.

And yes, she's very thin. That's a good thing because she looks attractive and healthy.

Don’t be suspicious of me or I’ll eat yer livers. Arrr. -Brendan Gleeson as Moody.


Emily is "very thin"? I'm sorry but FAIL. Zooey is "very thin" Emily is a bit fuller than Zooey, and I am not in any way saying that she is fat, because she is not, she's normal, but certainly not "very thin".

"Don't look back...."



Yes, it does FAIL to act like she isn't skinny, especially with her being a thinspiration to all those pro-ana girls on Tumblr. She is slightly less skinny than Zooey by very little and has slightly bigger boobs but that's about it. She is a little less toned but untoned =/= not skinny, contrary to popular opinion. Scarlett Johansson for example isn't toned but she's skinny, same as tons of women. Although Maybe Kristen Stewart would have been a better example.

And thanks for saying Emily, Zooey, me, and millions of other girls are "not normal" despite the fact that we were born this way and eat whatever we want without gaining much weight. People who say being thin is "not normal" are what's wrong with America's weight problems.

BTW, why are you replying to every single thing I've said on this board?

Don’t be suspicious of me or I’ll eat yer livers. Arrr. -Brendan Gleeson as Moody.


I never said Zooey or anyone else was not normal (although Zooey does not "eat what she wants" as she has a few dietary restrictions due to allergies), so don't put words in my mouth. I was trying to say that even though Emily is bigger than Zooey (IMO) she is still a "normal" weight and not fat. I am replying to your posts because this is a FORUKM where people tend to have DISCUSSIONS with other people. *shrug* We're just gonna have to agree to disagree coz there is no way in hell Emily is thinner than Zooey IMO. Oh and fyi, I'm not American.

"Don't look back...."

