MovieChat Forums > Emily Deschanel Discussion > Has to be the Next Wonder Woman.

Has to be the Next Wonder Woman.

This has been discussed ad nauseum, and I apologize for stepping on other's toes who've already brought the subject up, but honestly, Hollywood needs a wake up call with a particularly ear-drum breaking resonance : Emily Deschanel is a perfect fit for Wonder Woman! I love Lynda Carter and she will always be the ultimate Wonder Woman to me, but these are different times and people have different tastes and I think that Emily would be the best actress to carry on the role--she has the height, the eyes, the voice, the talent. She's 35 but can pass for late 20s. It's a no brainer. Anything else can be toned, taped, pixelated and photoshopped. Imagination, Hollywood, IMAGINATION!!!!


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Agreed. Lynda should play her mother, though. Great looks for it, and seems fairly in shape too.

Also HAS to play Snow White if they ever keep their dang promise and make a show or series for Fables.


Not enough in the chest department. If she had picked larger implants when she got enhanced she might have been a possible candidate... but she just pick too small a set of tires.


With purple fluffy cotton hair ;) Seriously, I think no one else fits the bill


Agreed,although i think her sister could pull it off just as well.They should include both of them in that movie if it becomes a real project.

this is the "oh no you didn't" generation where a shocking comment has more wit then truth


If by "no brainer" you mean that the casting director would have to be brainless then you're right.

Don't get me wrong, I think Emily Deschanel is beautiful and an excellent actress but unless you are going for the cheesy, campy, Lynda Carter-era Wonder Woman then IMO she's not the right physical type for a modern Wonder Woman.

There's no amount of CGI, fight choreography or creative editing that's going to make up for that.


I see what you're saying. :) It's probably silly, but I expect adaptations of DC comic characters to be campy and larger than life because their origins are so fantastical. Marvel heroes are mostly mutated humans whose backstories are much darker, and lend themselves to being played straight. Does that make any sense??


Obviously, you haven't seen her topless. BTW, my late brother-in-law's nephew dated Lynda Carter in high school.
