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Too true, friend. Damn you, Paris, for getting there before me!



I know many people who would agree. I think she is gorgeous.

"There's coffee in that nebula!" -Janeway. Mulgrew is the coolest person alive.


Yes she is gorgeous and very sexy.


And you got to see a great show in the process ;-)

Speaking for B'Elanna's many female fans, I agree. She is a very beautiful woman, and yes- very sexy. And B'Elanna is such a positive role model ! I know from personal experience- admiring B'Elanna played a big part in my going through with it and graduating from college.

But... don't you guys knock Tom Paris too hard.... he's a flaming cutie himself !!

B'Elanna could not have done better :-D


you all realize that it was tom paris as the only one to knock up 3 women thruout the shows 7 year reign ?
marries b'elanna and gets her preggers of course but dont forget the time tom went to warp 10 and started evolving? grabbed an unconcious janeway and takes her to the planet where the 2 of them as amphibians make a family.
then the time kes was time warping and got to a point where she and tom had a kid.
tom paris was the only one to nail 3 females in the show ! lucky dog.


Yeah, whats with that birth date, theres no way that can be right. That would make her 48? on her next birthday and 37 when Voyager started. I think there has been a mistake, either that or Roxann is lying about her age. She doesn't look old enough to be 48...
