MovieChat Forums > Roxann Dawson Discussion > I swear i think she has had lip enhancem...

I swear i think she has had lip enhancements.

I had been searching pictures of Roxann in her early years and from what i see as compared to her appearance on Voyager , i would bet the farm that she has had her lips surgically puffed up to enhance her career. not that there is anything wrong with that since a lot of actresses do that but i had always been fascinated by what i always thought of as "the sexiest lips on the planet".
The early pictures of her show that she has normal lips. On Voyager they have been puffed up and i never noticed that before from her early days to now.
Every show has to have its Mary Ann and Ginger and of course the characters of B'elanna and Seven of Nine fit that role perfectly. I still prefer Mary Ann on the one hand and B'elanna on the other.
Has anyone noticed that as well that her lips are way fuller now than her early days??? Or is it just me?
She is still insanely beautiful to me.
