Her website

Someone was talking about her lack of interest in her website and there may be several reasons for this besides her family. One may be the problem her fan club ran into a few years back when the woman who was in charge of it ran off with the club money and when notified Roxann something was wrong, Roxann shut the club down immediately and didn't want her name associated with anything. I was a member and after this, I didn't join anything. Jeri Ryan ran into problems with club theft and so did several others so they were shut down. The woman even pulled a disappearing act but there were members who knew where she was and this info should have been given to Roxann but it wasn't. Another reason may simply be lack of interest. She has 2 growing daughters where Kate's sons are in college or may even be out of college at this point. I rarely even look for any actor's websites since most are not maintained and most actors want little or nothing to do with them. An example. There used to be an actor who lived here in Philly, he moved to NJ last year but his wife is a Philly native. There is an unofficial site for him which he wants no part of and he wants no one to know what he is working on. I am guessing Roxann's site is an unofficial site and may just want to move away from it. Sites take time to maintain, official or unofficial and they cost money too and when you have other things that are more important, the site is the last thing on your agenda. Think about it. If Roxann does a con, why doesn't someone ask her about it then you will know.

Actors in general want your support whether it's a movie or TV show but they want nothing to do with the fans and in a way that's wrong. Without our support they would not have a career. Many times at cons, the actor does his or her thing and that's it where other actors want to spend as much time with the fans as they can. I for one refuse to pay 10.00 to see any movie today and more then willing to wait to see it on cable. Too many times the movie that has gotten so much hype turns out to be horrible. One of the cons I went to Avery Brooks was there and I was very glad to see him. I also learned that he can only be addressed as Mr Brooks by not only fans but the cast and crew. Armin got his ear chewed off by Avery on the set that one time when he addressed Avery as Avery. He did his thing on stage, signed some autographs and that was the last you saw of him. He even refused to attend the dinner the rest of the guests attended.


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i lost interest in roxanns website for several reasons. she was never there, she showed no interest in popping in and leaving a message for her fans, they changed the message board format and that created problems, and lastly , since she doesnt want to be in front of the camera anymore and avoids the star trek conventions like the plague, then there were dwindling numbers of people wanting to post messages to each other about her.
i cancelled my membership name in her website and have no interest in returning.
roxann is a good example of really good acting talent going to waste. ok she is a fine director. she directs and co-produces many shows. but how many fan websites do you see for directors?
roxann just has no interest in being in front of the camera anymore but if that's her choice then so be it and good luck to her in her vocational goals.
i tell you what tho.....the times that she is in front of the camera she sure is the definition of eye-candy.
