Her other child

Does anyone know the name and year of birth of her other child? Emma Dawson is listed various places but apparently she has another child whose name, gender and date of birth are unknown to IMDB, Star Trek Dot Com, and other reliable sites I checked.


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while her first child is emma rose, born 1-16-1998, her second child is a little girl adopted from china, and is named mia. i do not know the girls birthdate nor do i know when the girl was adopted.
i retrieved the following from a website:
"Dawson is also a strong supporter of the Half the Sky Foundation, an organization devoted to improving the lives of the orphaned children in China. She auctioned off her Klingon ridges from Voyager to donate to the organization."

on a personal note....i have always been fascinated with the beauty that roxann dawson has and have always thought that she has the most insanely sexy lips on the planet. i am sorry that she has given up life in front of the camera in order to devote her life to being behind the camera as a director. she shuns the star trek conventions so it looks like she ducked out of the public eye on a permanent basis.
i will certainly miss her.


First of all, yes... Roxann is very beautiful, and also a very talented actress. It is a shame she doesn't appear infront of the cameras as often as behind them, but for those who love her acting, there is always Voyager- which, in my opinion, will always be her best role.

And, she is a first class director, too....

Now, on the subject of her other child; alot of people think she is actually pregnant in season seven of Voyager, but that's just B'Elanna :-)

Roxann probably got the idea for B'Elanna's pregnancy as well as the ability to portray it so convincingly form her own pregnancy three years earlier.

Her second daughter is her adopted daughter, Mia.... adopted from China through the Half the Sky Foundation that Roxann supports.

You can learn more about it on her website: http://www.roxanndawson.com


Just to clarify, it's http://www.roxanndawson.net. I was looking up Voyager cast members to see where they were now, took the link above, and it's not a real site or anything. I checked the IMDb main page for Roxann and this was the official site listed. Easy mistake to make. Those endings are a pain to keep track of.


I love Roxann as B'Elanna...damned sexy.


she was pregnant for real during season 4 and that was covered up by the use of an engineers coat and being behind tables and desks and control panels and such. eventually she got so huge that they had to write story lines that excluded her.
the seventh season her character was pregnant but she wasnt, and that condition had to be created by the prop dept and the wardrobe dept.
I dont understand why she , madonna , angelina jolie , and others find that they have to go outside this country in order to adopt a child. roxann's child was, of course, adopted from china.
like the home grown orphans here arent good enough ???


i remember a 2 part episode about the holodeck going crazy. voyager is taken over by hirogen (spelling?) hunters and they have like ww2 and klingon battles going on throughout the ship.

anyway she was pregnant in "holographic form" i remember. i rememeber being in the shower and it hitting me "holy crap! she was REALLY pregnant! that was why she had on that random engineers coat and then just stops wearing it all together" needless to say i felt pretty dumb that it took me that long to realize that!



I have a possible answer for you. There are many reasons why they adopt outside the US and friends of mine also adopted from China and I will give you 2 of them.
1) majority of kids available here are messed up due to drugs and abuse
2) if you are lucky enough to get a healthy child, there is still a good possibility the birth parent will demand the return of the child after a few months and it has happened too many times and it's not fair to the child or the adoptive parents

China has new rules in place and you must be under 40 and married.

When Roxanne adopted her daughter from China I found out about this at a con and I was a member of her club till the day it fell apart. Not one word was ever mentioned about the adoption in the newsletters. I was talking to a friend of mine before the Q&A started and the woman in front of us snapped back that you have to belong to the fan club to know things about her so I snapped back that I was a member and knew nothing about the adoption. I can tell you that the woman who was running her club disappeared with the club money and there were members who knew where she was and should have turned her in but they didn't. After this happened I pulled my memberships from all the clubs.
