MovieChat Forums > Roxann Dawson Discussion > So if Roxann's 47 Years old, how old is ...

So if Roxann's 47 Years old, how old is B'Elanna?

I know there are alot of times when actors play characters that are younger than them. I think this is what happened with Dawson/Torres, but does anyone know B'Elanna Torres offcial birthdate?


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B'elanna Torres was born in the year 2349 and when she came aboard Voyager she was 22 years old. Roxann Dawson was in reality 37 when she began the role.


Thanks guys for that info, I thought B'Elanna was younger.


i would somewhat disagree because klingons are short tempered and live for combat so an 8 year old in the military would be an acceptable outlet for him to prove his manhood in battle. think of the time the doctor on voyager took a holographic family. his kid had 2 friends , young klingons , altho i hesitate to call them kids. the 2 of them brought out a klingon ritual knife and the passage from boyhood into manhood involved stabbing someone to prove yourself.
i think klingons need blood and violence and gore and such. its a way of life for them.
incidently......the word klingon came from king kong and the cutlutch ceremonial knife came from "cut loose"....a lyric from a loggins and messina song.


According to a seventh season Voyager episode, in which B'Elanna was briefly reunited with her father via a supspace relay, he left her and her mother when she was 12 (a fact corroborated by the epsidoe, "Lineage"), and it had been 20 years ago, at that time. This would have made B'Elanna 32 during the show's last year.

Working out the math, that would have made her 25 when the show started... set in 2371... so that works B'Elanna's birthyear out to 2345, 0r 2346...

Harry Kim, recently graduated from the Academy, was born in 2349.

I don't know B'Elanna's actual "canon" birthdate- Janeway's is sometime in May according to the Year of Hell episode... so they don't use the actors' birthdays like TNG did on the Conundrum episode...

But, somehow, I've always had a sort of gut-feeling B'Elanna was born early in 2345, and Tom Paris not quite a year older by being born later in the year of 2344.

It's not unusual for actors playing the Klingon characters to be older than their characters. When TNG started Worf was somewhere between 22-24, and actor Michael Dorn, at the time, was 35 years old. Almost a decade older than Worf.


B'Elanna's father left when she was five/six years old, not twelve. A fact she stated in both 'Faces' and 'Extreme Risk'. In 'Lineage', although she appeared 12 years old as a child, she was really around 6. You have to remember Klingon children grow up fast.

B'Elanna was born in the year 2349 and here is the proof.

B'Elanna stated in ("Extreme Risk") that she was nineteen when she quit Starfleet Academy and we know by 2376 it was ten years since she entered the Academy and ten years since she last spoke with her mother. ("Equinox, part II"), ("Barge of the Dead"). B'Elanna quit the Academy in her second year at age nineteen in 2368, back track nineteen years making her birth year 2349.

When her father said in 'Author, Author' that he hadn't seen her in 20 years, you have to assume he was just rounding that number off, also, Voyagers final season had my continuity errors because of the change in writing staff.


Thank you, so much for posting that link !!!

The one to Memory Alpha's Wiki !!

You know, I'd had that site bookmarked for almost two years and never knew all that info was there !!!

It certainly sets a lot of facts straight, and gives me a lot of wonderful info on my favorite of all the Star Trek characters !!

Thank you, again, for posting that link !!
