MovieChat Forums > Roxann Dawson Discussion > yearly happy birthday on 9-11

yearly happy birthday on 9-11

it doesnt matter that she never reads these things, we are ok with that.

so with that said i say happy birthday to the producer of many drama shows

but whom i wish would get herself on the other side of the camera

every once in a while. we miss you as an actress and you had great

stage presence.


Happy Birthday Roxann!
I wish you and your family all the best, good luck and keep up the great work!


This is a little off topic (except for the thread title of course), but I often wonder how Americans whose birthday falls on that day feel that now their birthday is counted as a national day of mourning. Obviously I understand that it's merely a coincidence, it's just one of those things I occasionaly I wonder about. I know that if something as tragic of that magnitude were to happen again on the 29th of November, then suddenly, I'd be in that category too.


should those victims of 9/11 apologize for inconveniencing you? Old lady wheelchair chicken challenge!


should those victims of 9/11 apologize for inconveniencing you?
Good job completely missing the point!


Yes, happy Birthday Roxann Dawson. So many of us wish you would return onscreen. Best wishes in all you do, and please take a moment to remember our fallen military heroes and WTC victims on this day of Sept. 11th. God bless!


my o my is it that time of the year again ?

time flies when you're having fun .

happy birthday mrs dawson and hope your days are comfortable and successful.


im canadian so the 9-11 attacks werent as huge to us even though we had mourning too and still were horrified about what happened to our american brothers.

My brother woke up to his birthday on 9-11 to the news being flooded with a terrorist attack. At the very least it was a pretty huge buzz kill.


speedolitic, you do realise that not only Americans were affected by 9/11, don't you? As for having a birthday on a day of a tragic event, my birthday is on 7/7, a date that often gets overlooked as it wasn't as huge as 9/11. However, it still involved terrorist bombings, and I almost lost the man who became my husband on that day.
I was gonna let you *beep* me, but I got my rag, and I know how you hate a mess
