
is she working now anywhere?

Namaste, and good luck.


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Yes, she frequently directs episodes of various television series, but as far as acting goes she hasn't been very active outside of "Jesus the Driver" and a few minor stints in episodic television.



Well, I hope the pay is good

Namaste, and good luck.


roxann dawson has given up on acting since she has seen success at directing. she directs crossing jordan and other shows and tends to her 2 daughters. one daughter is an adopted chinese girl.
she doesnt even check in on her own official website anymore and people are giving up on her because she is keeping herself out of the public eye.
its a shame she turns her back on the public but being behind the camera is what she wants to do. a shame really.


That is very unfortunate, and surprising. She should not turn her back on her fans, and I am sure she has many just being a part of Star Trek. It could turn around and bite her career in the butt.

Namaste, and good luck.


actually......i think its been something like 5 or 6 years since she has been to a star trek convention. I still say she is turning her back to the public and choosing to tend to her family and her directing career. she directs some of the OC and most of Crossing Jordan and even directed one episode of Lost.
Since she doesnt bother with checking into her official website and she is no longer in front of the camera by choice, who would be interested in going to her website? I cancelled my membership in that nearly a year ago.
Look at what all kate mulgrew has been doing since the show ended......now that is impressive and she maintains fan interest in herself.


She is an active prouducer for Crossing Jorden.
