MovieChat Forums > Rosario Dawson Discussion > Yet another LGBT person who...

Yet another LGBT person who...

was primary involved with the opposite sex their entire life until they get to be like 40 and suddenly decide that they are going to "come out."

Rosario Dawson got passed around actors in Hollywood more than Alyssa Milano. I'm not saying it's impossible that she was involved with women too, but she's not gay. And for decades the media and entertainment industry rigidly enforced the idea that being gay was not a choice and you were born that way.

She's yet another person that proves that was all propaganda and it's critics wrongfully silenced and punished.


It's hip and cool to say you're gay these days.


yes guys decide "im going to suck D*** cause its hip and cool"


But you've been wanting to do that for years!


Ya just waiting for it to be "hip and cool". finally its my time to shine!


You're shining something alright..


What is she bi or pansuexual?

Yeah, I think they should start coming out if they're straight. LGBTQ$%#++++ seems to be the norm in the entertainment industry. It's a non event when they come out.


I think she is omni-sexual on Tuesday and Thursday.


wtf is a pansexual? they keep making more stupid terms faster than i can learn all of them


It means you'll have sex with anyone, and maybe anything.


yeah see that is a stupid new term that doesn't even need to exist. bisexual means the same fucking thing except it is probably considered politically incorrectly by the libtards who invented this new shit to fit the new 77 gender bullshit they are pushing


It's only relevant for people who are sexually active, so don't worry about it.


Same thing as bisexual. But calling it pansexual just sounds more special.

The need they have nowadays to create more categories in order to feel more unique than unique...


Isn't she dating Cory Booker?


She was/is Corey's beard.


Lol yeah don't think so.


If you are serious, you are very naive


Sure, I'll be naïve. I'd rather that than spread gossip I have no proof of.


She can do better than that corrupt trash fire.


She better tell Cory


She's not:


As the article says she hems and haws but says she's straight. However, she is Corey's beard


Oh, it gets even better. I've read stories about people leaving the LGBT lifestyle, and all their supposed "friends" turn really hostile towards them, or claim "Oh, you were never gay to start with!" One common phrase I've seen ex-LGBT's write in their stories is, "It was always about the lust." There are ex-trans people too, people who regret ever choosing to be something they never were. But few in mainstream society know about this because the Gaystapo would act like such people don't exist.


the Gaystapo

So true!


Frankly when it boils down to it, a lot of the qualities of the lbgt...etc. lifestyle/identity/movement is unofficially a giant cult. You're "educated" on what to think and what say and there are lots of stories of those who "turned their backs on the faith" aka decide they're not into the lifestyle anymore & went straight. These people are often socially "excommunicated" and treated like traitors by people they once thought were there dearest friends, not so unlike stories you hear from people leaving other cults , including even "legitimate" organizations like Scientology. Of course you're never going to hear that from any "mainstream" source.


Society ostracizes.

The Catholic Church excommunicates.

It’s not all that hard to use the right word. All it takes is effort and education.


Don't be an idiot.



I prefer clarity and precision. My guess is the poster does not know the word “ostracize.” Now he or she does.


They obviously meant "excommunicated" from the "cult", not society.


let me guess you went deep in undercover to do this research.

honestly sir what the crap did I just read.

its like im reading 60s propaganda talking about the "gay lifestyle"... but you are a grown adult.. being serious


It's a career move. No one can claim with proof that she is lying because ONLY she knows the truth. When the head Hollyweirdians are through with her that will be a sad day for her. Sucks but that's the way Hollyweird management treat woman of this age. NOT ALL of them. MOST.


It is a typical thing for actresses to suddenly come out as lesbians when their careers start to tank... Unfortunately when it was done once or twice early on it gave the actress a couple more years of relevance... but now it has become so common place that it doesn't do anything beside make the people laugh at their pathetic attempt to become relevant again.


like who? start naming names please. also compare them to those whose career is tanking and who dont. it seems like the Texas sharpshooter fallacy.
