A B!tch?

Some people make it seem as though she's a stuck up unapproachable snob whom no guy has a chance with and doesn't even know her male fans exist. I've had the pleasure of meeting Rosario back in comic con 2007, and she seemed like a genuine sweetheart. People were lined up to take photos with her and apparently she was charging for them, this had me a little nervous. When I finally approached her, she took a picture of us. It didn't come out right at first, so she gladly took another one. She didn't even charge me. A little later, as I was walking around, I passed her and said "hi" she kindly waved and said "hi" back. Overall, a very pleasant experience. It may have helped matters that I was calm and didn't get all starstruck.


You can say the same of most public figures. People tend to forget that they aren't robots, they do it for the money, they have bad days, and they don't always have time for their fans(even if they want to).
