MovieChat Forums > Rosario Dawson Discussion > This is an ugly meesage board room

This is an ugly meesage board room

Can't believe the vitriol. People saying she's ugly, race identity issues, slept her way to the top...its an absolute beacon of negativity. First of all if you haven't known anyone or aren't mixed race stfu. The fact that someone from 2 different races should identify as one or the other is ignorance. Then, to make fun of what she identifies or make fun of her father abandoning her...what's your problem? Why does an actress effect you this much? Have any of trolls ever done anything wrong in your life? If only you could be so perfect scanning the Internet to infect it with hatred...get fking life!


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I agree with you 100%, however this kind of thing is very typical, sad to say, on these celeb boards. I once saw a message on facebook from an actress who said something to the effect of , "You know, it is believed by many that we in the entertainment industry think we are better than everbody else, but the truth is, you judge us way more often and more harshly than we do you. We are in this business to entertain you, not so that you can cut us down. It's a dogs life."


It took you 2 months to come up with that? I think you made your point. Now if all you want to do is continue to be negative and juvenile, go elsewhere.


Bro, you are absolutely correct. And that red-rage TROLL is by far the WORST troll I have ever seen on this site. Dude couldnt get a beautiful woman like her if he paid her. This is a message board to talk about the opinions of actors entertainment abilities and their work. Some may be negative and some will be positive. Only trolls with no lives like that person go to those extremes and racism on a site like this. Im shocked that person hasnt been banned IMDb yet.
Dawson is an incredibley gorgeous woman and has a good range in acting. I think shes a very talented actress and her natural beauty is definitely showing even as she gets older.


Just ignore those ignorant people. That girls made it and is way above anything these troll will ever make of themselves.
