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Haha watch Cowboys and Aliens. He plays an equally obnoxious character.

Frankly Miss Pussy, I don't give a damn.


Just watched 'Gigantic', and yup, you certainly get your share of the Danomeister in that one.

Greasy hair, blank stare, a constant "I'm sad" face you'd generally want to punch, and mumbling. AND he gets Zooey Deschanel. What are the odds.


You all fail

"You will get precisely the news you deserve if you accept mediocrity."
Nick Clooney


Well, the character in "Sunshine" is supposed to be obnoxious to begin with but he changed towards the end & his performance really impressed me. I'm sure men don't like him though.

And thanks for spoiling 'Gigantic' for me, I've just ordered it from Amazon !!!!


I came here thinking the exact same thing. His looks quite annoying as well, but I don't know why. He's just that way.

Not that there's anything wrong with that!


I really didn't like his character in Sunshine, but watch The Extra Man and try not to love him.


I can't warm to him. I don't enjoy watching him at all and find him irritating.

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