MovieChat Forums > Paul Dano Discussion > Am I the only one who thinks he's hot?

Am I the only one who thinks he's hot?


Especially in Little Miss Sunshine...

I feel like I'm in the minority here


Nooooo way! He's ugly as sin but sexy as hell!

"Believe not what you only wish to believe, but that which truth demands"


No, I've been in love with him for years. Everything about him is amazing. Lol. I get made fun of though for it but I don't care:)


I think he's pretty hot, but in a very unconventional way. Which is fantastic :)

"I read a pamphlet..Minky Monthly.."
"So.. I once looked at a hedge. Whats your point?"


You're not alone. While I don't think he's hot, per se, I do find myself attracted to his presence and charisma in acting. He was good in C&A.


No, you're not the only one. I've got the hots for him. That's why I'm here on his board, lol.


I think he is hot.


He is soooooo your not alone....Although I go for the sensitve if not nerdy baby faced types....He's a doll..and a GREAT actor which is sexy in itself....

"I always liked you Clarence....always have, always will"-Elvis(the mentor)


paul dano is *very* handsome! And the only thing that's "ugly" is your mean remark! Wow dude.
