the quiet

Wow: a cult film to be to your credit. Saw it, seeing it for the first time today



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That is a messed up movie!


"The Quiet" is her best movie IMO. A lot of people seemed to hate the film, but I always thought it was commendable that she took that role, let alone the fact that she was quite good in it. Camilla Belle is an awful actress by comparison, but she didn't do much considering she was silent throughout 95% of the movie. I wish Elisha would get out of TV and try to take some more risky roles like this; she could have a different and far more interesting career. I remember when "The Quiet" came out, thinking she was going to be going places, but she's been doing nothing but sitcoms ever since. It kind of sucks. I miss watching her in movies.


Absolutely agreed!


The only thing I can think of is that TV is a more relaxed environment where you don't have to do much traveling like you do with movies and she likes that better. It's especially easy reportedly to do multi-cam sitcoms like The Big Bang Theory as you basically never even film outside like single cams sometimes do.
