MovieChat Forums > Henry Ian Cusick Discussion > which ep of lost......

which ep of lost......

which ep of lost has Desmond's flashbacks (with the short hair[sexy!])? thanks!!


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Live Together, Die Alone - He doesn't have the short hair in all the flashbacks. Just the first couple

Also....Catch-22 & The Constant

"Rescuing you and your people. Can't really say its our primary objective" - Daniel Faraday


Don't forget the brilliant "Flashes Before Your Eyes"

This must be where pies go when they die!


Yeah, but he already has long hair in that ep. He put it up in a ponytail to run...


Note sure, but The Constant was pretty amazing.


I just finished watching The Constant, where he's on the freighter and switching back to his days in the military; that's probably the episode you're thinking of.
