MovieChat Forums > Henry Ian Cusick Discussion > He should be Doctor Who.

He should be Doctor Who.

If you picture Henry/Desmond in a suit next to a blue police box, doesn't that just look right? Imo he has the perfect energy for the role as well.


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YES! That would be great.


Funny because I just came here to look up his name after watching Lost because I was thinking that EXACT thing. Much better than Matt Smith, IMO.

The artist formerly known as imflatteningmattdamon


I absolutely agree :)))


Ha! I would actually watch Dr. Who if he was the doctor! (and I wouldn't even complain about it being corny :-P )

He got the upside, I got the downside. There's two sides to every Schwartz


Even I'd watch Dr. Who if he was in it


Omg! He would be the perfect replacement for the wonderful David Tennant. So much better than Matt Smith. I really don't like his interpretation of Doctor Who at all.


Agreed!!!! He would make an EXCELLENT doctor!!!!
