nude photos?

i've only got about 5 or 6 anybody have the full set?


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I saw her pics and I didn't see anything that were revealing enough. There were a few pics where we saw her nipple/nipples, but I was hoping for a full topless, unfettered -- no arms in the way of her beautiful fake boobies.


I disagree. You're referencing the enhancement procedure. That's not something that's on display.

Her implants are pretty darn nice. She didn't go for the overinflated look. Regardless of her breasts, Kaley is beautiful.

You must be female. That would explain your comments.


Which is gross and repulsive, however you look at it.

I called it -- you're definitely female. A jealous female as well. I don't care what you say, Kaley is gorgeous and you can continue to be jealous of her. Nothing is going to change.


Stalker alert! You are so obsessed it's giving me 2nd hand embarrassment just reading your posts. Don't do anything that you'll regret later, get some help. NoW
