MovieChat Forums > Michael Cudlitz Discussion > He finally fired the mole

He finally fired the mole

That mole was taking to much percentage of his movie and tv money. At 30 percent he felt it was asking too much and that he could still have a thriving career without his molestic other half, so he went to court to dissolve the partnership. Then a doc lasered it till it screamed and screeched and unstuck itself from his cheek and flopped around on the floor before darting to the surgeon's left arm where it now resides. He still gets some royalties, but of all future earnings, he won't see a dime. Moles are greedy. Never go into business with one.


I like you


It's a bit much with mole separation theme


It didn't define him as an actor and it's a shame he felt self conscious enough to have it removed. With or without it, he's a fantastic actor with a huge amount of talent.
