MovieChat Forums > Michael Cudlitz Discussion > Going to see him this weekend at the Cas...

Going to see him this weekend at the Casino

He is slated to be at the Paracon convention this weekend. It is a Ghost hunting, supernatural, oddities type convention. It is very small as most conventions go as it is held in a small Northern Minnesota Indian Casino. The Walking Dead really has their Actors spread out all over the country the last few weeks to promote the upcoming season 7 premiere. This year Zak Baggins and Aaron Goodwin and Bill Tolley from Ghost Adventures will be there. I know they will want me to take them out one of the nights to the Lost Trail in search of the Hairy Man, but I ain't doin it. I learned my lesson a few years back with Ozzy Osbourne's kid Jack. That was that year he was a Paranormal Investigator or something. When something attacked us, he took off running and I ended up with 6 broken Ribs and a Concussion from being thrown into a tree 25' away from where I was standing. The Ghost Hunter crew will be there this year, no girls though lol.

Holy crap, last year on Friday night, that hot chic from Ghost Hunters or whatever the SciFi Channel show is (NO, I won't write SciFi like they do, it's lame), she got so hammered she was dancing on the tables and completely out of control. Had to get her down off of them or she was going to Indian Jail. Indian Jail is a lot like "Full Retard" you don't EVER want to go to either of them. Had to physically pull her off the table and catch her on the way down. As she is laying on top of me she says, I wanted another drink and then we can get back in this position again lol. Damn, I almost blew right there lol. The next day at the Convention she looked like a Truck ran her over, backed up and did it again lol. She Thanked me for getting her back to her hotel room in one piece and for not being a D-Bag and taking advantage of her being drunk. I asked her how she knew I hadn't. She said, if I had, we would still be up there. lol, she is riot. She has a comeback for everything.
