MovieChat Forums > David Cross Discussion > So sick of out of touch Hollywood.

So sick of out of touch Hollywood.

This idiot David Cross stands there and bashes people he disagrees with politically and plays the race card against them just because they don't bow down and worship his messiah Obama like he does. Hollywood is just another example of this out of touch element that is ruining this once great country. At least half this country is conservative(a lot more of the country than the left). Most of us are NOT racist; we just love our country and we care enough about it to not to want to see it ruined and ran into the ground by radical leftists like Obama and Cross. I agree that Bush was a really bad president with his creating a defecit from a surplus and starting a war under false pretenses, but Bush is gone now, and Obama isn't this great messiah like they STILL try to make him out to be. Obama has added $6 trillion more to defecit in just 4 years-heck Obama has never even passed a budget as president-the economy is still in the toilet, gas prices are worse than before Obama took office, our economic standing in the world is lower than before Obama took office, Obamacare is a joke, and Obama and the left is trampling on our constitutional freedom left and right. It also seems the once who bash the wealthy and successful the most are the ones who are actually the very wealthy themselves such Obama and Hollywood. In fact some of the wealthiest in this country are actually Democrats. Warren Buffet, George Soros, Bill Gates, Hollywood, etc. Obama himself is worth over $11 million. I get really sick and tired of how these people act like making over $250,000 a year should be a crime, but they have no problem being one of them. Communism has never worked and never will. This is the real world. People like Cross and many leftists talk about constitutional rights like freedom of speech, but they are also trying to take these rights away from those who disagree with them.

Also this thing with this guy and Amber Tamblyn is just gross. I mean I understand younger and older when it is someone like George Clooney and Stacy Keibler where the guy is actually an attractive older guy, but what the heck does Tamblyn see in this guy?? Tamblyn herself is a wealthy Hollywood actress born into a Hollywood family, so it isn't like she is in it for the money. Maybe she sees something in this guy the rest of the world doesn't see...or she is just as screwed up as he is?

Yes I know the fans of this guy is going to come on here and bash me for writing this. I know exactly what you are going to say too. Writing about the things that irritate me helps me get my frustrations out and that is mainly why I made this post.


Why are you so hung up on looks? Maybe he makes her happy...


He doesn't have a personality either. He's an idiot.


And so are you.





Are you trying to make a point there or are you just blathering?


Someone sounds bitter that they're both ugly and unsuccessful haha

Made you look!


Ooh wow that was so witty!!


Haha totally- this guy couldn't be more jealous! That rant was freaking ridiculous. And his comebacks..."and so are you" WELL DONE SIR.
