MovieChat Forums > Daniel Craig Discussion > 'I'd rather kill myself than do another ...

'I'd rather kill myself than do another Bond'

A quote from Craig in a recent interview. I think this is a terrible thing to say. All the people who would do anything to play Bond and he goes and says something like that. I think it's a disgrace and it has really put me off Craig as an actor.

It's a shame, really. I was really looking forward to Spectre.

What do you think of Craig's comments?


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maybe he said it as a way to definitely never be asked to play Bond again..and it gives the next guy a clean slate because now Bond fans won't put an anchor around the new guy's neck to prove he's got to be better than Craig.

what Jordie?


Let's say he is growing bored of the role. All he had to say was "I have no real interest in doing another Bond movie as I wish to pursue other projects." That's all he had to say and I would understand. But instead, he's gone and said something that is really inappropriate. Suicide is one of the biggest problems in the world right now. It's not to be taken lightly


He's been doing these movies since 2006, I think he is getting bored and people are getting bored seeing him as Bond, Casino Royale was the only one I liked.

Agreed Casino Royale was the highest point for him, although Quantum was not bad but Skyfall was the most pathetic piece of crap I have ever seen, it's overrated beyond logic.


Suicide is a bigger problem than hunger, war, and drought? You are an ignorant fool.


I wondered why there is a movie called Suicide Squad and no one seems to be expressing any issues with that.
