MovieChat Forums > Marion Cotillard Discussion > One of the greatest actresses alive.

One of the greatest actresses alive.

Just finished watching "Two Days, One Night," and wow, my mind is BLOWN! Her performances are really towering. This film, Rust and Bone, and La Vie En Rose(one of the greatest performances ever, male or female, IMO).

And I still have to check out "MacBeth" and "The Immigrant"


She is my favorite. I agree. Her acting in 'La Vie En Rose' is my favorite female performance. It just blew my mind. I highly recommend 'A Very Long Engagement'. She was not on screen for very long, but made such an impact she won the César Award for best supporting actress. Also recommend 'Love Me If You Dare'. Her husband, Guillaume Canet, is her costar.


I'm dying to see "Love Me If You Dare". I've heard so much about it! I have "A Very Long Engagement" on DVD. Such a great movie, but I'll revisit it to check out Marion's performance again. She's always a joy to watch!



She has a stunning timeless beauty.
A unique face which is remarkably able to express any emotion with subtleties.
A rich and powerful acting talent.

I also think she is a very good observer.

I would like to see her in more movies. It would be best to see her as a lead.



She will be the lead both in Allied and Assassin's Creed, two big American blockbusters. Only one month till the first one comes. So you'll be pleased. As will I. :)

Nolan, I love you forever!


Yes, I will :)

I can't wait for both of them. I think her part in Assassin's Creed isn't big much. Nevertheless, I will watch it just for her :)



It is big, bigger than all of her previous blockbuster appearances. ;) Alongside Fassbender and Irons, her name is put before the movie's title in film's credits, as well as appearing on movie banners in cinema theatres (not online ones, but you can check on Twitter people posting pictures with this banner when Cotillard and Irons' names are being put alongside Fassbender on the top), so her presence in the film must be really huge.

Nolan, I love you forever!


top shelf performance in everything she touches. an amazing talent and timeless beauty.


I've only seen her in "Public Enemy" (her American accent was spot on, except for a little in her last scene where you could hear her own French for just a couple of words) and "Immigrants" and I was quite impressed with her. Her Polish accent is better than Streep's.
