MovieChat Forums > Marion Cotillard Discussion > No Oscar nom this year...?

No Oscar nom this year...?

I'm surprised she has not gotten nominated for any awards for her role in Juste La Fin Du Monde. She always gets nominated for French language films.

Who knows, maybe she will land an Oscar nom. for Supporting Actress.

I've read that her being a two time Oscar nominee and Oscar winner is building hype and increasing the chances for it to be nominated for Best Foreign Film.


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Oscars nominations announcement is yet to come, and she has Allied and Assassin's Creed. She won't be nominated for Juste La Fin Du Monde because, like said above, it doesn't have US release date yet.

Nolan, I love you forever!


Marion won't receive any Oscar nominated this year. Her major shot was with Allied only but the film received mediocre reviews and box office was bad too. Dolan's film wasn't well received in US and it has no release date either (it needs to screen in America to be nominated).

On the other hand, Marion will definitely be nominated for César again in 2017. Probably as leading actress for Mal de Pierres, French press liked the film a lot and it had a decent gross. She might receive a supporting nod for Dolan's movie but I think Cassel and Ulliel are the only ones who will be nominated for this movie.


I think the likelihood is a leading nomination for Mal de Pierres... there is perhaps a risk that her nomination vote will split between both and she'll loose out. Overall, I think Huppert will win for Elle, but not a vintage year for French actresses.


Miss her nomination? I don't think so. She will either be leading for Pierres or double nominated (if supporting is weak). Huppert should win, she did an incredible job in Elle.
