MovieChat Forums > Geoffrey Chaucer Discussion > was he the first writer..

was he the first writer..

to write about sex and so on?


You are correct. Nobody ever understood what sex was until around 1400.


yeah. seems sex never existed before 1400.


Sex was around for a while before 1400. However a lot of those books were lost in the Great Library of Alexandria fire and anything that remained being was confiscated by the Knights Templar to eventually be squirreled away by the Catholic Church to keep sex a secret.


Sex was still pretty new in 1400. Before then it was mostly handjobs, and even then only to make a baby.


All hell broke loose circa 1541 when anal sex was discovered. Then 20 years after that blowjobs.


Suetonius was spilling all the tea about the sex lives of the Twelve Caesars, in 100 AD! I'm sure there were earlier smutty writers, but he's the most fun. And comprehensive.

No, Chaucer wasn't the first writer who wrote about sex, and correct me if I'm wrong about this, he's just the oldest English-language writer whose fictional stories have been preserved. I mean, the Venerable Bede was writing about science and history in Britain circa 700, but he was writing in Anglo-Saxon, not anything resembling English.
