MovieChat Forums > Justin Chatwin Discussion > So it turns out Aaron Paul was never in ...

So it turns out Aaron Paul was never in Lost

It was this guy.

"I've got two questions, how much and give it to me" - Homer J Simpson


If you mistook him for Aaron Paul then you're a moron.


Jesus this is the state of the internet, a guy mistakes one actor for another when they do look vaguely similar and someone goes straight to name calling? Sheesh if you are that miserable get some fkn help!


Hahaha Yes, because since I called him a moron, that somehow means im miserable? Haha yup, makes complete sense. I called him a moron, because he's a moron. They do not look similar. When you see people who post pictures they took, with who they thought was a celebrity, when it isnt that, or any celebrity, what do you do? You laugh, because that person is an idiot lol. Same deal here. Actually even worse, because when you visit any actors page on IMDB, you are immediately greeted with a picture, of said actor. So yes, anyone who then still gets it wrong, like this person, is indeed a moron.



Always look for the positive in every situation.


I thought he looked like Aaron Paul. Maybe you're a moron for not seeing the connection.


I think he looks like a cross between Aaron Paul and Luke Wilson!


Oh shît. Now I have a reason to rewatch Lost even though it has a terrible ending.


Someone who cannot write a sentence above a third grade level is an idiot.
