MovieChat Forums > Tara Strong Discussion > Gonna Buy Me A Rainbow

Gonna Buy Me A Rainbow

Just saw that episode of Family Guy where Meg got a makeover, and WOW, Tara (who played Meg's singing voice) absolutely blew me away. She's an outstanding singer, she really needs to put out a CD... I'd love it if it had a longer version of "Gonna Buy Me A Rainbow" on it, she did a really outstanding job singing it.


Yeah. I wonder how Ember's song would have sounded if Tara sung it.


I'm thinking that Robin Kirmissel, who sang Ember's song, is probably a close friend of Butch Hartman's, and must've performed the song before Tara even got the role as Ember. The song itself, even in the show, sounds completely washed out, like it was recorded somewhere else...


I don't remember how I feel about Embers singing voice but I LOVE her voice otherwise, Ember is my fave Danny Phantom character cause of both her voice.. and fashion sense. =D

You have to play by the fu


I love that song:

All:gonna gonna gonna gonna gonna gonna buy rainbow!
Meg:Buy me a rainbow!

Why can't we all get along?instead of fighting?


lol I know, right? That song's hella catchy.
