MovieChat Forums > Kyle Chandler Discussion > Would make a great George Bailey for a i...

Would make a great George Bailey for a it's a wonderful life remake

They look alike and I think he would be perfect for it.


I agree! He could also seriously remake To Kill a Mockingbird (Addicus Finch) and The Green Mile (Paul Edgecomb).


I've been saying that for years!!!
A cheerful heart is good medicine... Prov 17:22a


I don't see a resemblance, but he would be perfect for it. The kid from the original movie looks like he'd grow up to look more like Kyle than he would Jimmy.


Perfect Love casts out all fear.


No resemblance. But he could do the role(s).


Kyle Chandler is the only guy I could imagine with the boyhood charm, the integrity and likeability now that Christopher Reeve is gone. Very few actors possess such a pure, innocent, charisma.


They look alike and I think he would be perfect for it.
I see what the OP is saying. They don't look alike but it's like the spirit of Jimmy Stewart is in Kyle. There was something about Stewart that if it could have been bottled & sold every male star would buy it. Kyle has that magic. I really think he hasn't gotten the breaks because he was born in the wrong era. He's Golden Age Hollywood with all the style & class but also folksy and low key. I really wish his tv show " Homefront' was out on DVD so people could see the episode when his character Jeff went to Hollywood with his girlfriend Ginger. They put him in a tux for a screen test. Mam o man a star was born!!!

I wish I had a kryptonite cross, because then I could keep Dracula & Superman away.


I think a remake of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington would make more sense to do. The climate is right for a movie about the seedy underbelly of beltway politics. Kyle Chandler could nail that role of the idealistic outsider just like Jimmy.


Haha Awesome! He would be great. Really dig this guy
