MovieChat Forums > Michael Cera Discussion > what happened to him? how come he's not ...

what happened to him? how come he's not in starring roles anymore?

the last year he was in a starring role in a Hollywood theater movie was like 2010 with scott pilgrim vs. the world and nick and Nora's infinite playlist. what happened to him?


His films started flopping. That's all there is to it. You can see it here: tm

The last film he did that made a profit was Nick and Nora and that was in 2008. After Scott Pilgrim he was done for.


they said that johnny depp's last string of movies. his like last 5 movies have flopped at the box office. so is there a difference between these actors in terms of one of them staying popular and bankable and the other not?


Johnny Depp is a brandname. You can be sure that the next Pirates and Alice movie will make a decent amount of money. Some of the other flops have been so because of the big budgets.

Cera can't even make low budget films profit (Youth In Revolt, for example).


that's right, I might've just saw a story online about how Michael cera is box office poison. it's too bad because I like him as an actor. do you like him also?


I am indifferent about him. I only came to this board because someone compared him to Jessie Eisenberg in his board and I was curious to see what he was up to as well.


@Boricanator: Buahaha, that's why I came here, too. Same thread!


Check YouTube Micheal Cera flips out....spoiled brat!


People worked out he was dull.

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