MovieChat Forums > Emily Browning Discussion > She turned down Twilight yet she was in ...

She turned down Twilight yet she was in The Host - FAIL!

Wrong decision, Emily!!

Fans can stop saying that she is so above Twilight, she obviously hoped The Host would be as successful, and at the very least wanted to work on a Stephenie Meyer book. It bombed. It's like karma stuck it's middle finger up at the Browning fans who set her up as some sort of Meryl Streep in training


Actually, she probably only did it because she was dating Max Irons at the time. Since they're broken up now, she's probably...well, not glad but a little relieved that the movie didn't do well, because it means there most likely won't be a sequel and she won't have to work with her ex. The Host was actually a much better book than Twilight (which I'm not really a fan of). I will admit that the movie was disappointing. It focused way too much on the wrong things.

And I don't recall ever hearing or seeing anyone mention her being "Meryl Streep" in training. I think you came up with that one on your own. I just find her interesting and gorgeous and would like to see her do some more notable films.


But "The Host" is an amazing film, Twilight not... That is the big difference...


She turned down Twilight because she didn't want to be in a big franchise at the time.


Well I guess she can walk away from acting now because you have decided you don't like her choices. I'm sure she's just all torn up about it. Idiot.


Hahaha agreed.

Epic fail.


The OP is just mad cos he's in love with Kristen Stewart.


The Host is even worse than the Twilight movies.



Her choices are very eclectic for a young actress. Some have flopped but at least she takes chances. Maybe the timing of Twilight was not right in her life or truthfully she was scared to do it since she was younger and look what happened to Kstew, her privacy went out the window cause the franchise was so huge. As for the Host. Spoiler for the host-Her part was small and wasn't seen till the end. Yes it flopped but it wasn't her fault and maybe she felt she could handle the pressure at her age now of a franchise. Let's face it, The Hunger Games has oververshadowed every YA wannabe movie franchise that has come after it.
