amazing legs

her body is amazing and puts much younger girls to shame. she needs to publish her secrets. not having biological children probably helps though... they do a number on a woman's body.


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I just saw Seeking A Friend... Amazing calves!


Her feet are superb! And often has her nails painted black. In American Horror Story she is barefoot often.


She was so sexy in Seeking A Friend i almost paused to fap....


For the love of ... why do you people feel the need to tell anyone/everyone when you masturbate? No one cares, and trust me, absolutely NO ONE wants to know! I bet you share way too much personal information on social media sites, too. You, and everyone like you, just need to stop. No one cares when you fap, or cares about what makes you fap, or anything along those lines. If you had simply said "She was so sexy in Seeking a Friend," that would have been plenty. You would have made your point, but no, you had to make it weird.

I have no enemies, but am intensely disliked by my friends.


I thought the same thing! She has the legs of a VS model.

Be the type of person you want to meet
