MovieChat Forums > Don Bluth Discussion > It's a shame what not sucking up to Stev...

It's a shame what not sucking up to Steven Spielberg will do to you

It sucks, he didn't suck up to the powerful clique of mediocrity that took over since the late 60's everywhere around the world, in every industry, and now he is all but forgotten. It's so bad that, even though his films were huge hits, the studios that own them won't even show them on tv anymore out of spite. Well, they are owned by Disney now so they will show them even less.


DISNEY?? T they were done usually with Universal, and later one or two each for MGM, WB, and Fox.I doubt you have anything to fret about,l my friend.:-):cool: (Personally I think Spielberg RUINED the content of his films, as Steven's always blamed for the storylines and their lighter tone.,.)O



A lot of it has to do with Universal, who owns the distribution rights for a much of Don Bluth's work, not feeling the need to put in the time, effort, and money to give his film's the gold star limelight treatment like Disney does for their animated treasures to keep them in the public eye (restorations, re-releases).

Shortly after the time "Titan A. E." was released (a simplistic but visually stunning story), Bluth felt artistically burned-out on his ability as a creator, wishing to spend time away from the corporate atmosphere once his obligations with Fox animation studios ended. Interestingly, the department closed its doors not long after his departure.



Before he decided to take a long break from his work, he was very satisfied with all he had accomplished. In the past, he mentioned how it was very important to him to make films that did not talk down to children while still being enjoyable and relatable for adults, that children are capable to a certain extent in understanding that life is not always easy and sought to present that in his films. He was quick to point out he wasn't trying to tell them that they should grow up fast, but that we should never be afraid to confront the fears, challenges, and obstacles in our lives.

Bluth was disappointed in the box office for "Titan A.E" though he was not completely surprised. Half-way through completing the project, he realized Fox lacked confidence in marketing it due to financial cutbacks and layoffs going on behind the scenes, putting the film in a dead-on-arrival position once it was released.



I wonder why they feel that, don't they want money? lol


They do but only with the least amount of risk possible. They would rather make some money than take a big gamble and either take a big loss or make all the money.
