No talent hack

This guy has quickly become a no talent hack of the 1 trick pont variety.

Jim Carrey made it work for a couple decades, Will Farrel too. Jet Blac, not so much.

Now he is making the rounds crying for attention and trying to stay relevant because he did drugs at 14 years old.

Jack Black, go away.

Dr. Who is to entertainment what Special Olympics is to athleticism.


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I agree...


If you know talent, let's see you do better.


"let's see you do better."

Your statement is a logical fallacy. The fact that one person can't "do better" does not prove that another person is good at something.


I find it funny that you would go to his IMDb page then his message board and posted that he is a no talent hack. Considering you are a nobody that has never done anything and never will it's quite ironic that you would say he has no talent .


How do you know the OP has never done anything? For all any of us know, he/she could be a Doctor or first responded, etc,. who has saved lives or a teacher or someone else who has contributed to humanity/society. What the hell has this dick done is really the question.


I agree...




I think he isn't given the respect his talent deserves because he doesn't always choose the best vehicles. However, I loved him in THE HOLIDAY. He was completely cast against type and he was so much fun. He does have a lot of talent. He just isn't everyone's cup of tea. He does seem like a very nice man.

"A man's kiss is his signature" -- Mae West


You do realize that you don't have to have talent to be able to recognize a lack of talent in others, right?

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Exactly. A person may not have a particular talent, or may not have it to the same degree as a professional in a given discipline, but the person can STILL be discerning and have good taste. Unlike Jackoff Blackout. I can’t drive a Formula 1 car competitively, but, after following the sport for decades, I can tell you who is a great driver, a very good driver, an okay driver and a hack. On the other hand, I’ve been a humor pro for decades as well, and guys like Black are the comedic analog of pro wrestling and demolition derbies. As a sales professional with whom I once worked used to tell customers who were uncertain of their purchase decision, “You may not be a gourmet chef, but you can tell good food from bad food.”


While the OP was naming "one trick ponies", he forgot to point out David Spade.


"I’ve been a humor pro for decades as well".....LMAO...FUNNIEST THING I SAW ALL DAY.
