MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > But but... Creepy Joe Biden

But but... Creepy Joe Biden

Notice he always asks the girls how old they are, but not the sons.

After all those pedo/underage children stuff scandals going on in Hollywood, you got the front runner in the 2020 democratic polls as well.

Out of all the candidates on the left, whose the least scandal/weird free that Trump can't use as a talking piece?


"Hair Transplant Joe."


No real man would ever get a hair transplant.


Trump did, read the Ivana/Trump divorce papers....


Here we go again. Uncle Creepy Joe Biden on the loose or #metoo getting out of hand.


Why can't we ever find a normal candidate?

I'm involved in politics and I've never committed a crime, never assaulted anyone, never used bigoted language either online or the real world, and my views are fairly moderate and centrist, but I've got bugger all chance of ever becoming Prime Minister.

Instead our respective countries seem to favour deviants.


According to Biden etc, neither have he/they!


He's getting bad press here, imo. I imagine he thinks he knows these women well enough that he can be a little tactile with them. Shouldn't be hard to either tell him not to do this or for him to read the body language of the recipient and figure it out. Wasn't it W who did something stupid with Angela Merkle? It's one thing to habitually annoy people with unwanted touching, it's another to touch as a gesture of affection.


this dude is a total pedo

