
I find it ironic that for someone who seems to brag about not shaving their legs(to each their own, but who CARES that you like excess body hair? You HAD to go and tell us?) she still likes to wear makeup and get all dressed up for publicity outings. Now, on one hand, I can see her point. Everyday life and the red carpet are two totally different places. But, while she doesn't wear a LOT of makeup, I still find it funny that she wears more than some other celebrities who go almost natural/very minimalist, moreso than she, on occasion on the red carpet. If she can promote unsightly body hair on a woman, why does she feel the need to wear makeup at all?


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Congratulations. Unlike most people today, you know what ironic means.


Did she actually "promote" excess body hair, or did she simply claim that she usually has it? Honest question, not debating here.


she's just plain NASTY !


Because by wearing a make up you don't remove any of your natural features?

Use logic, people.
