MovieChat Forums > Troian Bellisario Discussion > i hope she never gets a nose job

i hope she never gets a nose job

She is already so beautiful. It wouldn't be necessary.


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Nothing wrong with her nose.


Same! I don't think she will though (well at least I HOPE she won't) she seems pretty confident with how she is to me

And agreed, she's a beaut!


It's great to see that people like her nose. Unfortunately I wouldn't be surprised if she got teased a little, especially in school, some can be so cruel if your looks are not cookie cutter or if one is unique in any way. I like her nose, it gives her face character. I think she would be less attractive without it, it fits her face. Her features are all in proportion to each other.


In my opinion she has recently had just a little bit of the bump in her nose shaved off...I think she's beautiful either way & should do whatever she wants with her face... If I had a bump on the bridge of my nose & a *beep* of money I would get it "fixed" too...with that being said I also believe that most of those ladies ( & men ) have had nose jobs ( in Hollywood ) . I think it's funny that we don't talk about it & blame it on contouring.
