MovieChat Forums > Sacha Baron Cohen Discussion > Sacha cannot marry Isla Fisher in a reli...

Sacha cannot marry Isla Fisher in a religious wedding

I read that Isla Fisher converted to Judaism. Whether simply because SBC wanted it, I don't know. I also read that SBC is religious and keeps kosher and Shabbat. But given his last name (Cohen) one can assume that he is a Cohen (priest) which means that he is not allowed to marry a convert at all - at least not in a religious ceremony.

Does anyone know more about this and how they are going to deal with it?

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. Groucho Marx


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A Cohen man cannot marry a divorced woman, but other than that? I've never heard of any restrictions. And good on them that they've found such a strong relationship, I hope they get to be very happy together.

"He shall be an adder on the path, to bite a horse's heel"


There are a bunch of things a Cohen is not allowed to do - marrying a convert or a divorcee are just two of them.

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. Groucho Marx


Does the fact that his name is Baron Cohen make a difference? As Baron is apart of his lastname.

get to know me //


Does the fact that his name is Baron Cohen make a difference? As Baron is apart of his lastname.

Probably not. He got the name from his father which means that his father is a Cohen and so is he. If Cohen was his mother's last name and Baron his father's that would be a different story, but that's not the case.

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. Groucho Marx


Look, just because his last name is Cohen doesn't mean he himself is actually a 'Kohen' or priest. He's just probably descended from them from many many years back. There are Jewish people with the last name Cohen from all different ends of the religious spectrum, from ultra-orthodox to secular. So whatever his beliefs and traditions are, they likely have nothing to do with his last name, but more to do with the doctrines and faith in which he was raised and continues to practice. And why should anyone care what those practices are?

"Tell him McCluskey! Tell him what time it is!"


Did 40s Gangster Mickey Cohen adhere to these restrictions?



I've known people with the name Cohen who are not Kohanim. I'm not sure how it happens, but it does on occasion.

Also, even though Judaism prohibits a Kohen from marrying a convert (or a divorcee), the marriage is considered valid and binding once it occurs.
