Is she pregnant?

Does anyone know if she's pregnant and if they're going to write that into the show?


She's not pregnant so I highly doubt they'd write it in (if you're referring to Life Unexpected)

For some reason, the people in charge of her outfits just seem to dress her in unflattering, oversized dresses and tops that make her look pregnant


well, she didn't look it before, but now she totally does! I think she is but it hasn't been announced yet.


Pregnant? I didn't think she was married.


I'm watching tonight's (Oct. 19) episode of Life Unexpected, and I came here to find out if she's pregnant, because in that blue dress she was wearing and the way she is walking, it definitely looks like it's possible. Add to it the fact that her character is trying to get pregnant, and it really makes you wonder. If so, good for her! I guess I was just kinda curious. :-D


Pregnant? I didn't think she was married.


Scientists have recently discovered that it is possible for women to become pregnant without being married first.


I agree! I'm watching the ep now and google searched it because she seems to be waddling quite a bit as she walks. I've never noticed her doing that before.


LOL!! Who knew??? ;-)


That's exactly what I was thinking. I've never seen her walk so strangely before, and I'll bet it's because she's pregnant, so yay, there's our cliffhanger for the season two finale.
