MovieChat Forums > Lauren Ambrose Discussion > Has not had much success since SFU

Has not had much success since SFU

Since SFU she has not been on much and that jezebel show she was on got cancelled. All the other actors have gone onto reasonably succesful shows, shes a good actress and pretty, wonder why she has not got that much work


it's sad. she was amazing as claire and i would love to see her again.


Amazing? - She was stunning! ;-)

I wish her all the best.



She actually still has a strong career going. She just had bad luck with her tv series. But she's still doing movies and theater.


She seems to be doing okay, but she did actually have a child after SFU so that might contribute to why we aren't seeing as much of her as we'd like.


I think she's been concentrating on theater work.


Really? I don't really see anyone, other than Michael C Hall, being all that successful. Sure, Peter Krause got Parenthood and Frances Conroy got American Horror Story...but neither of these shows come close to the caliber of Six Feet Under. Nor does their role in them.
I think it's hard for people that have come from something that special to find something that special again.
But Lauren Ambrose is still young and very talented and she has years to make her mark.
And even if she never did again...I think Six Feet Under is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.


She was PHENOMENAL as Claire. That whole show was a true work of art and her talent as an actress was just so very obvious. I, too, thought that she would be much more visible than she is now. But finding a great part like Claire isn't so easy and finding great success as an actress isn't so easy either. But she certainly has made an indelible mark as Claire and she'll never be forgotten. And it proves how incredibly lucky the brilliant Michael C. Hall was to be cast as Dexter after SFU ended. That is very much the exception to the rule. Lauren is just too talented an actress not to find another great part like Claire and I believe that she will.


Claire Fisher is probably my favorite TV character of all time. It's been a while since I watched the show--but I was just prompted to watch the final montage again, and, of course, the internet being the internet, I ended up here. I don't really remember that many specifics regarding Claire or the show any more, but Claire and Lauren will always occupy a special place for me. Probably has something to do with watching this show during my formative years, and Claire being of my generation at the time. Who knows...

I wish Lauren Ambrose was in more stuff that I could watch. I agreed to join a friend to go see Sleepwalk With Me once I realized she was in it. Haven't seen her in much else.

She's obviously a great actress and still adorable.
