Hard Target 2!!!

Oh hell yes!! I cannot wait for this!! Shame John Woo isnt directing and its suspect that Roel Reine is but its gotta be a good film surely??


Don't get your hopes up. A low budget sequels to fil s made nearly 25 years ago are rarely going to be good or even watchable.



I like Scott Adkins and his first movies (Undisputed 2, Spec. Forces etc.). But his most recent movies add nothing. He is better than a on-trick pony, but even those tricks are getting old now. It seems that his movies copy each other.

So I don't expect much from Hard Target 2, and his other movies, such as Jarhead 3.



Scott was great in Hard Target 2. The film however was mediocre. If a better filmmaker had done it, it could've been great.


Verily I say unto thee...I thought it was a great movie, one of the best action films of the year.


Scott did give it his all in Hard Target 2. Honestly though its hard to top a film made by John Woo.

Ask the guards, they'll deny it. Ask the inmates here—they'll cut their tongues out before they talk
