MovieChat Forums > J.J. Abrams Discussion > JJ Abrams "whitest room" podcast nowhere...

JJ Abrams "whitest room" podcast nowhere to be found on the web

Remember when JJ Abrams was interviewed by Jeff Garlin on "By The Way podcast". He said:
We came up with a show that was this honestly standard thing — it wasn’t a great script. Well they said they wanted to make it and we cast the show and did it. The thing that killed me the most of all, frankly, was we wrote it without even thinking who would be in it.
We wrote these characters but when we went to cast it, one of the things I had felt, having been to the Emmys a couple times — you look around that room and you see the whitest *beep* room in the history of time. Its just unbelievably white. And I just thought, we’re casting this show and we have an opportunity to do anything we want, why not cast the show with actors of color? Like not for sure, and if we can’t find the actors who are great, we shouldn’t, but why don’t we make that effort because it wasn’t written that way and isnt that the cooler version of doing this as opposed to saying ‘this is an urban show’. It *beep* kills me when they call something ‘an urban movie’ like its a separate thing, like ‘its that thing over there.’
So we started casting the show and we have some wonderful actors and I direct the pilot and its just not very good. its sort of this thing that was just sorta obligation-based. I felt especially guilty based on the fact that we ended up casting the show as we did because it could then be used, even if its never said, as an excuse for the networks to say ‘see, look what happens when you cast a show with people of color, it fails miserably.’
It was very important to me that the show work, but it didn’t. But the key is that the reason it didn’t work was not because of those actors, it was because of me. It shouldn’t have happened. I shouldn’t have said, ‘okay I’ll do Hart to Hart’. Because I didn’t say ‘I want to *beep* do Hart to Hart.’ I woke up and saw the guy who is employing me basically, the guy who is helping me run this whole company, really really wants Hart to Hart and I tried to do that. It ended up failing and it wasn’t just a failure to me, it was a failure on a larger scale which I really really regret.”

Guess what, the podcast has been deleted from every source. It looks like JJ Abrams isn't very proud.


Whats wrong with what he said?


It's racial hatred.
