

I think we understand him perfectly well, better than he'd like.



But do you think they're being too harsh on him? He's only human.

So were Charles Manson, Ted Bundy and Kenneth Bianchi. Or any person who abuses others. The fact that he's human does not excuse his actions.


You guys are equating an officd perv with serial killers?




You are one sick fuck. How much is Harvey paying you?


Granted it is a matter of degree, but if Weinstein must be understood because he is human, how far are we willing to take this understanding? You don't excuse someone's evil behavior just because they are human.

I was simply taking the argument of the OP to its logical extreme. Of course Weinstein is not a serial killer and I was not equating him with one. I was making a reductio ad absurdum argument.



Verba ex culi

Explain, please.




He's alleged to have performed acts of exposure while using his position to retain people who would otherwise leave. This is a quid pro quo scenario which would lead to immediate termination in business and military jobs under Equal Opportunity Standards. That itself is reason enough for a lawful termination and prosecution for the recourse of his victims. This is also considered a crime under sexual harassment law. Add the hostile working environment created by putting these people in this position, and he has a real legal issue. It doesn't matter if he's a good guy. If they prosecute and find him guilty (big IF with Hollywood), he may be in a much worse place.



That's why I wrote what I did. Personally, I'm inclined to believe the multiple accounts and the wire tap from New York. If you believe he's innocent, fine. Have fun with that.



pathetic, you must be sick.



It sounds like you haven't read much into the situation. I recommend you look into it and find your answers. It's better than using a forum. You'll learn a lot and not have to resort to using vague statements to get attention. Tchuss.



Who among us hasn't cornered a woman and masturbated into a potted plant to express our frustration when she refuses sex on the spot? No one can truly judge his deeds. There's a little bit of Harvey in all of us -- especially all the women he raped. Allegedly, according to multiple testimonies from a perpetually expanding list of victims and witnesses.



Yeah; poor ol' Harv. So misunderstood.



You didn't catch my sarcasm.

