MovieChat Forums > Sofía Vergara Discussion > She has the .............

She has the .............

ugliest profile. Her side view is downright hideous.


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Well, it's a good thing that her side view is the one angle I'm not really anxious to personally experience. 


Somebody's jealous.

Sofia looks good from any angle. And I'll bet she tastes delicious.


I agree. But her voice is her absolute ugliest feature. I can't listen to her big-mouthed, nasally sound.


How in the world can ANY guy be in a relationship with her. Couples do actually spend more time talking than having sex, one would hope. Therefore, I would think she'd be a complete turn-off from "HELLO".

Her voice, and therefore her, are revolting. I want to shoot the television whenever I hear her speak.


Sorry, her voice is the icing on her cake. So full and rich, exotic and seductive.


Maybe one day when you move out of your mum's house and actually dare speak to a real live woman that isn't on the internet you will realise taht people will and do find her (And her voice) attractive.


exactly and this is something which I have a really hard time understanding, how she can be so successful of an actor with her amazingly annoying voice. and to top it off she doesn't even have to use it, it's a fake voice. she's using it only to be funny in an exaggerated, Hispanic person who doesn't know how to speak with an American accent accent. if you want proof of this just watch her on her Spanish language speaking show Fuerra De Serie. I'm never annoyed by her voice or accent on that show when she's speaking Spanish. I never notice her voice or accent on that show because there's no reason for her to use her fake English voice on it because she's speaking Spanish.
