MovieChat Forums > Justin Timberlake Discussion > Sellout weak punk, grow a pair.

Sellout weak punk, grow a pair.

What a embarrassment this sellout out bitch punk is. Some no name actor who is mostly white goes on a racist tirade against whites to the delight of the racist BET audience and Timberlake instead of taking him to task on twitter like any real man should do, pulls a typical sellout, little, punk, PC liberal Hollywood move and agrees and praises him for his racism and attacks against whites. Then when racist black twitter users attack Timberlake again with their anti white racism, Timberlake like a typical little PC sellout punk living in a Hollywood bubble sells out again and apologizes instead of sticking up for himself. What a weak punk, he is lucky there are little teeny bopper girls with no taste in music or else nobody would buy or listen to his music. He is just pathetic and believe it or not black people like him and respect him less for being a little punk over standing up for himself, refusing to apologize, and taking that ignoramus to task who made the racist speech.


^^^ This ^^^


Did Justin snub you at a party or something?
