MovieChat Forums > Justin Timberlake Discussion > Does anyone else not like him?

Does anyone else not like him?

First, I just want to say that I LOVE Justin's music. Sexyback was my song in the summer of 2006 and Cry Me a River is just... perfection. However, I never really warmed up to him as a person. I was a huge fan of Nsync but I was pissed that JT got all the airtime and focus when JC was soooo hot and all the other guys were pretty cute too (JOEY FATONE). And, hearing what Lance said about JT's success being the reason why Nsync isn't getting back together really pisses me off.

Plus, he obviously doesn't care about his fans really much if he refuses to put out more music even though its been 5 years since his last album. Not gonna lie, but he doesn't appeal to me as an actor either because he just seems like a giant wimp and I can't help picturing him crying over Britney Spears cheating on him. Also, his curly hair back in the day

When he hosts SNL, he's hilarious, but also very self-absorbed.

I dunno, something about him just rubs me the wrong way.


Yeah he swears he's the sexiest guy ever, comes off as very self-absorbed


I like his acting better then his music. Singers if they can seem to like to transition into acting, I think it's an easier lifestyle. Singers have to tour live out of a suitcase, actors may live away from home for one or two months and that's it.

I think Justin will eventually do more music but he really seems to want to conquer acting.


... but like his acting, very good.
Watch Black Snake Moan to see what I mean


His music is eh, but his acting is awful. Overall he's just not very talented. Only reason he's even famous= sexy. I def hate him.


Hollywood will probably need to make a few movies with JT before he gets categorized as box office poison. But that day will come, and then I'm sure he'll just go into producing music acts, buying restaurants, etc.


I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt after watching Social Network, but I watched Bad Teacher recently and he was appalling. His role didn't even demand much, it was a complete cliche. Still he played it extremely weird and hokey. It was just so bad.

I only do it with superheroes.


i just hate his speaking voice


Can't stand him. I think everything about him is overrated.
