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I'm sure she'd be disappointed.


Err ... what ?!?!?

I am white and theres a ton of white women that I dont consider very attractive. Does that make me a racist against whites now ? Despite me being white in the first place ?!?

Also, I consider many asian women beautiful - but like with the white women, not ALL of them, just MANY - while most black women dont attract me much. I really dont think that makes me a racist either.

Racism is if you have prejudices against people of some kind of group. Not if your taste of women doesnt include certain kinds of looks.

Even more importantly, its perfectly possible, if not common, to have the case of a white racists who is prejudiced against black people, but nevertheless likes black women.



I'm sure she'd be disappointed.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


I'm sure she'd be disappointed. lol, you're funny

Once there was a very ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everybody died. The End


...and we're supposed to care... because...?


Exactly the same reason as always.

We dont.

