Rosemary's Baby

Hey, I don't know if I imagined it but I remember seeing a magazine with all upcoming horror movies and there was a fashion picture layout with Marley Shelton and Michael Vartan as Mr. and Mrs. Woodhouse in Rosemary's Baby. If anyone knows anything please post in online. I'm in between certain and non, 'cause if they were planning on making a movie, wouldn't IMDB already have a page?
Thanks a lot you guys. Hope to hear from you.


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Sounds interesting. I will keep an eye out.


Rosemary's Baby is a classic and one of my favorite horror movies ever - I think remaking it is unnecessary, however, if they do in fact remake it, I think Marley Shelton would be an excellent choice to play the part. She's got the right look and similar features to Mia Farrow, plus she's a solid actress.

With gorilla gone, will there be hope for man?


I'm curious? I hope they are doing a remake with Marley!


I haven't found the specific photoshoot you mentioned, but I did find some where Marley holds a strong resemblance to Mia Farrow:
Simply put, very beautiful.

The feckless uber-muntzes are flexing their zeitgeists again! - Joel, MST3K


I found ROsemary's Baby too weird. Not EXACTLY my cup of tea but it is by NO WAY a terrible film, I recognize its scare value and I actually liked how it was this brainwashing of Rosemary over the course of the film slowly and then right at the end she's completely gone.

It's sort of sad in a way, isn't it?

But Marley would be fantastic as Rosemary, she's both beautiful/similar to Mia Farrow and in Planet Terror (and Valentine), she's a good scaredy cat.

If they remake it and she's not in it BOO!!!!!
