MovieChat Forums > Keri Russell Discussion > Did she have a fro?

Did she have a fro?

Back in the 90's there was a show called Felicity? Or maybe that was the actresses name but I thought it was this girl.
Did she at one point cut all her hair off and have a white person Afro?


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Yes, she portrayed the character of Felicity in the series. No, she didn't have a fro.

It feels good to be lost in the right direction. 🌌


You and I have now crossed paths on two different forums now. That doesn't mean that I'm following you.

The irony of people on IMDb telling other to get a life... 

Keine Sorgen so viel ΓΌber mich und neigen dazu, Ihre eigenen Dreck an, Schlampe - Get it?!

It feels good to be lost in the right direction. 🌌


And you're supposed to be a native English speaker who makes fun of me omitting an apostrophe?

That's called a typo, sweetheart. May I have your forgiveness?

And you think it's ironic that someone who uses IMDB would tell another user to get a life? What you are inferring is along with myself and everyone else on this site not having a life - is that YOU YOURSELF does not have a life as you are also an IMDB user! Are you stupid? Oh that's right, you're a Swift fan, why am I asking?

Yes, clearly I'm stupid for enjoying music that you don't enjoy.

What I meant was that "Get a life" is the most over-used comment on the internet. Sites like this are mostly non-productive but what some people like to do in any spare time. It's just silly to tell someone else to "get a life" if you aren't doing anything that is any different from what they are doing. So, let's relax with all of the "get a life" comments.

I come on this site to share ideas and info, not to let crazies drag me into their demented world of anger. You are blocked.

Does running away like a coward and putting me on ignore make you feel safer?

That's fine. You sound like you have some issues of your own to deal with. Good luck with that.

And please stop trying to speak German. You destroy it and it comes out wrong. Stick to the one language that you sort of know how to communicate with.

"Sort of know how to communicate with"  I love that.

It feels good to be lost in the right direction. 🌌


Ratings actually plummeted after she cut her glorious hair.
