curly hair

why is it that people with naturally gorgeous, curly hair ALWAYS straighten it?!?! i have semi-curly hair and i always wish it were curlier... :(


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I know! I like wavy hair. Hair with some bounce.
I wear my hair natural. It's not that curly though. It doesn't look very good if I straighten it. My mom has super curly hair, and she doesn't do anything.


ppl tend to want to change it up, she prob gets tired of it curly, has more opportunity to change it through films, etc


agreed! to me curly hair just has more personality, more texture. i love it so :)


yeah i totally get that, but i don't recall the last time i saw any pictures of her wearing it curly...seems like it's been straight-ish since felicity.


I have curly hair and love it... most of the time. (I'll admit that I sometimes will relax it in the summertime... humidity and all.)

That's why I sort of took offense to a survey that The Today show talked about a few months ago, which found that if you put 10 women in a room, 9 with curly hair and only one with straight hair, the one woman with the straight hair "got the guy" every time!

I never found my having curly hair to be a problem at all, but those were the so called "facts" according to the survey... people just have too much time on their hands... lol.


I have extremely thick, curly hair...just masses of tight, bright red ringlets. I've come to love it, even though as a kid, of course, I thought it was an annoying, unmanageable pain in the ass. How wrong I was! Every so often I straighten it with a flat-iron for a little while, because I also love that look. But I'd never risk damaging my hair by doing doing any kind of permanent or semi-permanent chemical straightening. 'Cause curls aren't "cute," they're sexy. ;)

I like you, Um. I like largeness...
